Suffice it to say: I’m a little tired. It’s more than worth it, but as I’ve tried to seek some down time, I realize that all this go-go-go—and participating in a lot of big events that consume a lot of energy—can sometimes cause you to lose your center. What I mean is: When you stop and take a deep breath—and most crucially—stop worrying about the next big event that you’ve got to prepare for, you can focus on all the small, beautiful things that surround you every single day.
There’s beauty in nature, of course, but I’m writing this as more than a call to “stop and smell the roses” but to appreciate things that are even more seemingly mundane. As a for-instance: I got home the other day to a quiet house, unpacked my suitcase, and tossed a bunch of dirty clothes in the washing machine. I poured in the detergent and started the cycle. When it was done, into the dryer it all went. For whatever reason, as I watched those clothes spin around that day, laundry didn’t feel like a thankless chore that I couldn’t get through fast enough. Which was odd because that’s the way it usually feels. This time, it felt… good. Satisfying. Dare I say, almost miraculous?
I mean, forget the really impressive technology of computers and phones: Throughout most of human history, clothes had to be washed by hand and it was a task that took up an untold number of hours. Now we just have these handy machines that do it all. We take all this stuff for granted because we’ve never been without it, but… isn’t it impressive?
I’m comfortable with the fact that you might read this and think it’s a silly sentiment. I get it. If you haven’t experienced something similar, it can sound a little sappy, but I felt the way I felt, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude. It was practically spiritual.
Thinking deeper on this moment, I realize I’ve had brushes with the same feeling throughout my life, and it almost always happens when I’m working or doing some otherwise mindless task. It’s as if the hand of the Universe reached out, gave me a tap on the shoulder and reminded me, “This life is pretty great, isn’t it?” To which I say, “Absolutely.”